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an introductory feature; worldwide name distribution; male-line genetic migrations; planted seeds of love and soul; early records; or, past wills.

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Green Man Plant FHG Homeland pathways

Many pathways point to name origins that lead on to the modern Plant surname, such as:

Julius Planta, 46AD, friend of Emperor Claudius; Durand Plante, Normandy 1180; Galfrido Plauntegenet, Oxford 1266; and, in the Welsh Marches, Robert, 1280, and Richard Plant, 1301. From the Roman emperor's friend Julius Planta in the Alps to a duelling Durand Plante in Normandy; from Bernard Plantapilosa in Aquitaine to Eimeric de la Planta in Greater Anjou; from Geffrey Plante Genest of both Anjou and Normandy to the spelling Plante in France and Quebec as well as to the most populous Plant homeland in England's NW Midlands.

From such early origins to the modern surname's world-wide distribution, this study is concerned with anything related to the name Plant or similar, such as: the noble surname Planta in Switzerland or such Plant-like names as Plantard or Plantamour in France. From Sir John Plant of England's fifteenth-century Wars of the Roses to the large worldwide growths of the two large, genetically distinct families: namely, the main Plant family and the main Plante one. The distribution of these names including in the USA and the old British Empire. Such places as le Plantis in Normandy or la Planteland in SW England or Plant City in Florida or the Sheffield place-names for the old and newer 'Plants yard'. This website covers medieval meanings, early to modern records including early documents and subsequent wills, genetic family growth, marriages and Oxford biographies, worldwide distributions such as of genetically small male-line Plant families and of the y-dna main branches of the large Plant family that split apart into their developing genetic and geographic paths starting out from early times of the surname and branching on into modern times.

Some usage of the word plant in Plantagenet times: * God planted paradise of liking [Gen 2.8: plantaverat paradisum voluptatis] * may our sons be as new plantings [Psalmi 143.12: filii sicut novellae plantationes in juventute sua] * that Wyȝ that al the worlde planted * the playn, the plonttez, the spyse, the perez * as a province of paradise planted by God [as aparaunt to paradis, þat plantted þe Dryȝtyn] * God planted paradise of liking - a man and his make ... welnyȝe pure paradys * this tre hatte Trewe-love – this is a propre plonte and priveliche hit bloweth * love is the plonte of pees, most precious of vertues * kep pes alwei withinne bounde, which god hathe planted in thi conscience * fire of fraward lufe norrysches the plantes of all vyce * pull up thornes of vicis and for to plaunte vertues.   ⇾ Later, in 1621: that hopeful Plant, that is the apparent Heir of all his glory, and this great Discent (sic)   ⇾ Not forgetting: 'Cause you know sometimes words have two meanings – Robert Anthony Plant CBE lyric.